Our Publications

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  1. The interplay of short‐term mesophyll and stomatal conductance responses under variable environmental conditions (2024)
    Diego A. Márquez, Florian A. Busch
    Plant, Cell & Environment
    DOI: 10.1111/pce.14880

  2. Tribulus (Zygophyllaceae) as a case study for the evolution of C2 and C4 photosynthesis (2024)
    Arthur Leung, Ria Patel, Varosak Chirachon, Matt Stata, Terry D. Macfarlane, Martha Ludwig, Florian A. Busch, Tammy L. Sage, Rowan F. Sage
    Plant, Cell & Environment
    DOI: 10.1111/pce.15069

  3. Photosynthetic Gas Exchange in Land Plants at the Leaf Level (2024)
    Florian Busch
    DOI: 10.1007/978-1-0716-3790-6_3

  4. Tools for Measuring Photosynthesis at Different Scales (2024)
    Berkley J. Walker, Steven M. Driever, Johannes Kromdijk, Tracy Lawson, Florian Busch
    DOI: 10.1007/978-1-0716-3790-6_1

  5. Using Carbon Stable Isotopes to Study C3 and C4 Photosynthesis (2024)
    Nerea Ubierna, Meisha Marika Holloway-Phillips, Lisa Wingate, Jérôme Ogée, Florian Busch, Graham D. Farquhar
    DOI: 10.1007/978-1-0716-3790-6_10

  6. A guide to photosynthetic gas exchange measurements: Fundamental principles, best practice and potential pitfalls (2024)
    Florian A. Busch, Elizabeth A. Ainsworth, Anna Amtmann, Amanda P. Cavanagh, Steven M. Driever, John N. Ferguson, Johannes Kromdijk, Tracy Lawson, Andrew D. B. Leakey, Jack S. A. Matthews, Katherine Meacham‐Hensold, Richard L. Vath, Silvere Vialet‐Chabrand, Berkley J. Walker, Maria Papanatsiou
    Plant, Cell & Environment
    DOI: 10.1111/pce.14815

  7. Cover Image (2023)
    Alex Wu, Jason Brider, Florian A. Busch, Min Chen, Karine Chenu, Victoria C. Clarke, Brian Collins, Maria Ermakova, John R. Evans, Graham D. Farquhar, Britta Forster, Robert T. Furbank, Michael Groszmann, Miguel A. Hernandez‐Prieto, Benedict M. Long, Greg Mclean, Andries Potgieter, G. Dean Price, Robert E. Sharwood, Michael Stower, Erik van Oosterom, Susanne von Caemmerer, Spencer M. Whitney, Graeme L. Hammer
    Plant, Cell & Environment
    DOI: 10.1111/pce.14512

  8. A cross‐scale analysis to understand and quantify the effects of photosynthetic enhancement on crop growth and yield across environments (2023)
    Alex Wu, Jason Brider, Florian A. Busch, Min Chen, Karine Chenu, Victoria C. Clarke, Brian Collins, Maria Ermakova, John R. Evans, Graham D. Farquhar, Britta Forster, Robert T. Furbank, Michael Groszmann, Miguel A. Hernandez‐Prieto, Benedict M. Long, Greg Mclean, Andries Potgieter, G. Dean Price, Robert E. Sharwood, Michael Stower, Erik van Oosterom, Susanne von Caemmerer, Spencer M. Whitney, Graeme L. Hammer
    Plant, Cell & Environment
    DOI: 10.1111/pce.14453

  9. Early-growth results within a Eucalyptus globulus breeding population suggest limited scope for selection focused on CO2 responsiveness (2022)
    Matthew Theodore Brookhouse, David Bush, Milos Ivkovich, Florian Busch, Graham Douglas Farquhar, Elizabeth Pinkard
    Tree Genetics & Genomes
    DOI: 10.1007/s11295-022-01547-w

  10. Cuticular conductance of adaxial and abaxial leaf surfaces and its relation to minimum leaf surface conductance (2022)
    Diego A. Márquez, Hilary Stuart‐Williams, Graham D. Farquhar, Florian A. Busch
    New Phytologist
    DOI: 10.1111/nph.17588

  11. Editorial: Understanding C4 Evolution and Function (2021)
    Incomplete Authors
    Frontiers in Plant Science
    DOI: 10.3389/fpls.2021.774818

  12. Evolution of a biochemical model of steady‐state photosynthesis (2021)
    Xinyou Yin, Florian A. Busch, Paul C. Struik, Thomas D. Sharkey
    Plant, Cell & Environment
    DOI: 10.1111/pce.14070

  13. Rubisco production in maize mesophyll cells through ectopic expression of subunits and chaperones (2021)
    Amber M Hotto, Coralie Salesse-Smith, Myat Lin, Florian A Busch, Isabelle Simpson, David B Stern, John Lunn
    Journal of Experimental Botany
    DOI: 10.1093/jxb/erab189

  14. Elevated efficiency of C3 photosynthesis in bamboo grasses: A possible consequence of enhanced refixation of photorespired CO2 (2021)
    Murilo M. Peixoto, Tammy L. Sage, Florian A. Busch, Haryel D. N. Pacheco, Moemy G. Moraes, Tomás A. Portes, Rogério A. Almeida, Dalva Graciano‐Ribeiro, Rowan F. Sage
    GCB Bioenergy
    DOI: 10.1111/gcbb.12819

  15. A reporting format for leaf-level gas exchange data and metadata (2021)
    Kim S. Ely, Alistair Rogers, Deborah A. Agarwal, Elizabeth A. Ainsworth, Loren P. Albert, Ashehad Ali, Jeremiah Anderson, Michael J. Aspinwall, Chandra Bellasio, Carl Bernacchi, Steve Bonnage, Thomas N. Buckley, James Bunce, Angela C. Burnett, Florian A. Busch, Amanda Cavanagh, Lucas A. Cernusak, Robert Crystal-Ornelas, Joan Damerow, Kenneth J. Davidson, Martin G. De Kauwe, Michael C. Dietze, Tomas F. Domingues, Mirindi Eric Dusenge, David S. Ellsworth, John R. Evans, Paul P.G. Gauthier, Bruno O. Gimenez, Elizabeth P. Gordon, Christopher M. Gough, Aud H. Halbritter, David T. Hanson, Mary Heskel, J. Aaron Hogan, Jason R. Hupp, Kolby Jardine, Jens Kattge, Trevor Keenan, Johannes Kromdijk, Dushan P. Kumarathunge, Julien Lamour, Andrew D.B. Leakey, David S. LeBauer, Qianyu Li, Marjorie R. Lundgren, Nate McDowell, Katherine Meacham-Hensold, Belinda E. Medlyn, David J.P. Moore, Robinson Negrón-Juárez, Ülo Niinemets, Colin P. Osborne, Alexandria L. Pivovaroff, Hendrik Poorter, Sasha C. Reed, Youngryel Ryu, Alvaro Sanz-Saez, Stephanie C. Schmiege, Shawn P. Serbin, Thomas D. Sharkey, Martijn Slot, Nicholas G. Smith, Balasaheb V. Sonawane, Paul F. South, Daisy C. Souza, Joseph Ronald Stinziano, Ellen Stuart-Haëntjens, Samuel H. Taylor, Mauricio D. Tejera, Johan Uddling, Vigdis Vandvik, Charuleka Varadharajan, Anthony P. Walker, Berkley J. Walker, Jeffrey M. Warren, Danielle A. Way, Brett T. Wolfe, Jin Wu, Stan D. Wullschleger, Chonggang Xu, Zhengbing Yan, Dedi Yang
    Ecological Informatics
    DOI: 10.1016/j.ecoinf.2021.101232

  16. Optimization can provide the fundamental link between leaf photosynthesis, gas exchange and water relations (2020)
    Ross M. Deans, Timothy J. Brodribb, Florian A. Busch, Graham D. Farquhar
    Nature Plants
    DOI: 10.1038/s41477-020-00760-6

  17. Increased Rubisco content in maize mitigates chilling stress and speeds recovery (2020)
    Coralie E. Salesse‐Smith, Robert E. Sharwood, Florian A. Busch, David B. Stern
    Plant Biotechnology Journal
    DOI: 10.1111/pbi.13306

  18. Overexpression of BUNDLE SHEATH DEFECTIVE 2 improves the efficiency of photosynthesis and growth in Arabidopsis (2020)
    Florian A. Busch, Jun Tominaga, Masato Muroya, Norihiko Shirakami, Shunichi Takahashi, Wataru Yamori, Takuya Kitaoka, Sara E. Milward, Kohji Nishimura, Erika Matsunami, Yosuke Toda, Chikako Higuchi, Atsuko Muranaka, Tsuneaki Takami, Shunsuke Watanabe, Toshinori Kinoshita, Wataru Sakamoto, Atsushi Sakamoto, Hiroshi Shimada
    The Plant Journal
    DOI: 10.1111/tpj.14617

  19. Revisiting carbon isotope discrimination in C3 plants shows respiration rules when photosynthesis is low (2020)
    Florian A. Busch, Meisha Holloway-Phillips, Hilary Stuart-Williams, Graham D. Farquhar
    Nature Plants
    DOI: 10.1038/s41477-020-0606-6

  20. Photorespiration in the context of Rubisco biochemistry, CO2 diffusion and metabolism (2020)
    Florian A. Busch
    The Plant Journal
    DOI: 10.1111/tpj.14674

  21. The Evolutionary Origin of C4 Photosynthesis in the Grass Subtribe Neurachninae (2020)
    Roxana Khoshravesh, Matt Stata, Florian A. Busch, Montserrat Saladié, Joanne M. Castelli, Nicole Dakin, Paul W. Hattersley, Terry D. Macfarlane, Rowan F. Sage, Martha Ludwig, Tammy L. Sage
    Plant Physiology
    DOI: 10.1104/pp.19.00925

  22. Estimating stomatal and biochemical limitations during photosynthetic induction (2019)
    Ross M. Deans, Graham D. Farquhar, Florian A. Busch
    Plant, Cell & Environment
    DOI: 10.1111/pce.13622

  23. Critical review: incorporating the arrangement of mitochondria and chloroplasts into models of photosynthesis and carbon isotope discrimination (2019)
    Nerea Ubierna, Lucas A. Cernusak, Meisha Holloway-Phillips, Florian A. Busch, Asaph B. Cousins, Graham D. Farquhar
    Photosynthesis Research
    DOI: 10.1007/s11120-019-00635-8

  24. Plant water‐use strategy mediates stomatal effects on the light induction of photosynthesis (2019)
    Ross M. Deans, Timothy J. Brodribb, Florian A. Busch, Graham D. Farquhar
    New Phytologist
    DOI: 10.1111/nph.15572

  25. Embracing 3D Complexity in Leaf Carbon-Water Exchange (2019)
    Earles, J. Mason, Buckley, Thomas N., Brodersen, Craig R., Busch, Florian A., Cano, F. Javier, Choat, Brendan, Evans, John R., Farquhar, Graham D., Harwood, Richard, Huynh, Minh, John, Grace P., Miller, Megan L., Rockwell, Fulton E., Sack, Lawren, Scoffoni, Christine, Struik, Paul C., Wu, Alex, Yin, Xinyou, Barbour, Margaret M.
    Trends in plant science
    DOI: 10.1016/j.tplants.2018.09.005

  26. Prescreening in large populations as a tool for identifying elevated CO2-responsive genotypes in plants (2019)
    Shimono, Hiroyuki, Farquhar, Graham, Brookhouse, Matthew, Busch, Florian A., O'Grady, Anthony, Tausz, Michael, Pinkard, Elizabeth A.
    Functional Plant Biology
    DOI: 10.1071/fp18087

  27. Overexpression of Rubisco subunits with RAF1 increases Rubisco content in maize (2018)
    Salesse-Smith, Coralie E., Sharwood, Robert E., Busch, Florian A., Kromdijk, Johannes, Bardal, Viktoriya, Stern, David B.
    Nature Plants
    DOI: 10.1038/s41477-018-0252-4

  28. Photosynthesis and carbon allocation are both important predictors of genotype productivity responses to elevated CO2 in Eucalyptus camaldulensis (2018)
    Aspinwall, Michael J., Blackman, Chris J., de Dios, Victor Resco, Busch, Florian A., Rymer, Paul D., Loik, Michael E., Drake, John E., Pfautsch, Sebastian, Smith, Renee A., Tjoelker, Mark G., Tissue, David T.
    Tree Physiology
    DOI: 10.1093/treephys/tpy045

  29. Photosynthetic Gas Exchange in Land Plants at the Leaf Level (2018)
    Busch, Florian A.
    Methods in molecular biology (Clifton, N.J.)
    DOI: 10.1007/978-1-4939-7786-4_2

  30. Survey of Tools for Measuring In Vivo Photosynthesis (2018)
    Walker, Berkley J., Busch, Florian A., Driever, Steven M., Kromdijk, Johannes, Lawson, Tracy
    Methods in molecular biology (Clifton, N.J.)
    DOI: 10.1007/978-1-4939-7786-4_1

  31. Plants increase CO2 uptake by assimilating nitrogen via the photorespiratory pathway (2017)
    Florian A. Busch, Rowan F. Sage, Graham D. Farquhar
    Nature Plants
    DOI: 10.1038/s41477-017-0065-x

  32. Does C4 Photosynthesis Occur in Wheat Seeds? (2017)
    Robert J. Henry, Parimalan Rangan, Agnelo Furtado, Florian A. Busch, Graham D. Farquhar
    Plant Physiology
    DOI: 10.1104/pp.17.00837

  33. Changes in the chloroplastic CO2 concentration explain much of the observed Kok effect: a model (2017)
    Farquhar, G. D., Busch, F. A.
    New Phytologist
    DOI: 10.1111/nph.14512

  34. Does C-4 Photosynthesis Occur in Wheat Seeds? (2017)
    Henry, R. J., Rangan, P., Furtado, A., Busch, F. A., Farquhar, G. D.
    Plant Physiology
    DOI: Not Available

  35. Estimation of photorespiratory fluxes by gas exchange (2017)
    Busch, F.A., Deans, R.M., Holloway-Phillips, M.-M.
    Methods in Molecular Biology
    DOI: 10.1007/978-1-4939-7225-8_1

  36. Leaf day respiration: low CO2 flux but high significance for metabolism and carbon balance (2017)
    Tcherkez, Guillaume, Gauthier, Paul, Buckley, Thomas N., Busch, Florian A., Barbour, Margaret M., Bruhn, Dan, Heskel, Mary A., Gong, Xiao Ying, Crous, Kristine Y., Griffin, Kevin, Way, Danielle, Turnbull, Matthew, Adams, Mark A., Atkin, Owen K., Farquhar, Graham D., Cornic, Gabriel
    New Phytologist
    DOI: 10.1111/nph.14816

  37. Tracking the origins of the Kok effect, 70 years after its discovery The 18 th New Phytologist Workshop 'The Kok effect: beyond the artefact, emerging leaf mechanisms ( KOALA)' Angers, France, July 2016 (2017)
    Tcherkez, G., Gauthier, P., Buckley, T. N., Busch, F. A., Barbour, M. M., Bruhn, D., Heskel, M. A., Gong, X. Y., Crous, K., Griffin, K. L., Way, D. A., Turnbull, M. H., Adams, M. A., Atkin, O. K., Bender, M., Farquhar, G. D., Cornic, G.
    New Phytologist
    DOI: 10.1111/nph.14527

  38. Poor Evidence for C4 Photosynthesis in the Wheat Grain (2016)
    Florian A. Busch, Graham D. Farquhar
    Plant Physiology
    DOI: 10.1104/pp.16.01475

  39. An improved approach for measuring the impact of multiple CO2 conductances on the apparent photorespiratory CO2 compensation point through slope-intercept regression (2016)
    Walker, B. J., Skabelund, D. C., Busch, F. A., Ort, D.
    Plant Cell and Environment
    DOI: 10.1111/pce.12722

  40. C-3-C-4 intermediacy in grasses: organelle enrichment and distribution, glycine decarboxylase expression, and the rise of C-2 photosynthesis (2016)
    Khoshravesh, Roxana, Stinson, Corey R., Stata, Matt, Busch, Florian A., Sage, Rowan F., Ludwig, Martha, Sage, Tammy L.
    Journal of Experimental Botany
    DOI: 10.1093/jxb/erw150

  41. Manipulating photorespiration to increase plant productivity: recent advances and perspectives for crop improvement (2016)
    Betti, Marco, Bauwe, Hermann, Busch, Florian A., Fernie, Alisdair R., Keech, Olivier, Levey, Myles, Ort, Donald R., Parry, Martin A. J., Sage, Rowan, Timm, Stefan, Walker, Berkley, Weber, Andreas P. M.
    Journal of Experimental Botany
    DOI: 10.1093/jxb/erw076

  42. Strategies for optimizing photosynthesis with biotechnology to improve crop yield (2016)
    Yamori, W., Irving, L.J., Adachi, S., Busch, F.A.
    Handbook of Photosynthesis, Third Edition
    DOI: Not Available

  43. The sensitivity of photosynthesis to O2 and CO2 concentration identifies strong Rubisco control above the thermal optimum (2016)
    Incomplete Authors
    New Phytologist
    DOI: 10.1111/nph.14258

  44. Reducing the gaps in our understanding of the global terrestrial carbon cycle (2015)
    Busch, F. A.
    New Phytologist
    DOI: 10.1111/nph.13399

  45. Chilling and frost tolerance in Miscanthus and Saccharum genotypes bred for cool temperate climates (2014)
    Friesen, Patrick C., Peixoto, Murilo M., Busch, Florian A., Johnson, Daniel C., Sage, Rowan F.
    Journal of Experimental Botany
    DOI: 10.1093/jxb/eru105

  46. Opinion: The red-light response of stomatal movement is sensed by the redox state of the photosynthetic electron transport chain (2014)
    Busch, Florian A.
    Photosynthesis Research
    DOI: 10.1007/s11120-013-9805-6

  47. C-3 plants enhance rates of photosynthesis by reassimilating photorespired and respired CO2 (2013)
    Busch, Florian A., Sage, Tammy L., Cousins, Asaph B., Sage, Rowan F.
    Plant Cell and Environment
    DOI: 10.1111/j.1365-3040.2012.02567.x

  48. Current methods for estimating the rate of photorespiration in leaves (2013)
    Busch, F. A.
    Plant Biology
    DOI: 10.1111/j.1438-8677.2012.00694.x

  49. Initial Events during the Evolution of C-4 Photosynthesis in C-3 Species of Flaveria (2013)
    Sage, Tammy L., Busch, Florian A., Johnson, Daniel C., Friesen, Patrick C., Stinson, Corey R., Stata, Matt, Sultmanis, Stefanie, Rahman, Beshar A., Rawsthorne, Stephen, Sage, Rowan F.
    Plant Physiology
    DOI: 10.1104/pp.113.221119

  50. Shedding some light on cold acclimation, cold adaptation, and phenotypic plasticity (2013)
    Huener, Norman P. A., Bode, Rainer, Dahal, Keshav, Busch, Florian A., Possmayer, Marc, Szyszka, Beth, Rosso, Dominic, Ensminger, Ingo, Krol, Marianna, Ivanov, Alexander G., Maxwell, Denis P.
    DOI: 10.1139/cjb-2012-0174

  51. Over-expression of bacterial gamma-glutamylcysteine synthetase (GSH1) in plastids affects photosynthesis, growth and sulphur metabolism in poplar (Populus tremula x Populus alba) dependent on the resulting gamma-glutamylcysteine and glutathione levels (2010)
    Herschbach, Cornelia, Rizzini, Luca, Mult, Susanne, Hartmann, Tanja, Busch, Florian, Peuke, Andreas D., Kopriva, Stanislav, Ensminger, Ingo
    Plant Cell and Environment
    DOI: 10.1111/j.1365-3040.2010.02135.x

  52. Biochemical constrains limit the potential of the photochemical reflectance index as a predictor of effective quantum efficiency of photosynthesis during the winter spring transition in Jack pine seedlings (2009)
    Busch, Florian, Huener, Norman P. A., Ensminger, Ingo
    Functional Plant Biology
    DOI: 10.1071/fp08043

  53. Conifer Cold Hardiness, Climate Change and the Likely Effects of Warmer Temperatures on Photosynthesis (2009)
    Ensminger, I., Huener, N. P. A., Busch, F.
    Plant Cold Hardiness: from the Laboratory to the Field
    DOI: 10.1079/9781845935139.0249

  54. Conifer cold hardiness, climate change and the likely effects of warmer temperatures on photosynthesis (2009)
    Ensminger, I., Hüner, N.P.A., Busch, F.
    Plant Cold Hardiness: From the Laboratory to the Field
    DOI: Not Available

  55. Increased air temperature during simulated autumn conditions impairs photosynthetic electron transport between photosystem II and photosystem I (2008)
    Busch, Florian, Huener, Norman P. A., Ensminger, Ingo
    Plant Physiology
    DOI: 10.1104/pp.108.117598

  56. Increased air temperature during simulated autumn conditions does not increase photosynthetic carbon gain but affects the dissipation of excess energy in seedlings of the evergreen Conifer Jack Pine (2007)
    Busch, Florian, Huner, Norman P. A., Ensminger, Ingo
    Plant Physiology
    DOI: 10.1104/pp.106.092312

  57. Warm simulated autumn growth conditions do not increase photosynthetic carbon gain but increase the dissipation of excess energy in Jack pine (2007)
    Busch, F., Huner, N., Ensminger, I.
    Photosynthesis Research
    DOI: Not Available

  58. Photostasis and cold acclimation: sensing low temperature through photosynthesis (2006)
    Ensminger, I., Busch, F., Huner, N. P. A.
    Physiologia Plantarum
    DOI: 10.1111/j.1399-3054.2006.00627.x

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