Our team

Dr Florian Busch is a theoretical and experimental plant physiologist interested in all aspects of photosynthesis. His focus is on linking different photosynthetic processes with mathematical models to study the biochemical limitations of carbon fixation and to gain a quantitative understanding of how plant carbon uptake responds to changes in the environment.

📧 f.a.busch@bham.ac.uk 📍 Biosciences Quad S217

Postdoctoral Researcher

ORCID Icon 0000-0002-5191-676X

Dr Diego Márquez is a Plant Physiologist who combines theoretical biophysics and experimental approaches to develop mechanistic models for gas exchange, carbon fixation, and hydraulic systems in plants. His work at the Busch Lab focuses on CO2 gradients and resistances to CO2 diffusion in mesophyll's intercellular air space and liquid volume.

📧 d.a.marquez@bham.ac.uk 📍 Biosciences office S211


The Web Master is the unseen force ensuring the lab’s digital world stays online and functional. A specialist in keeping things running smoothly—from managing servers to fixing mysterious glitches—this role operates in the shadows, making sure everything just works. Few know their true identity, but as long as the website loads and emails don’t bounce, we’ve learned not to ask too many questions.

Former Lab Members

Former PhD Student

Sheetal is a PhD student at the University of Warwick and was a visitor to our lab from Jan - April 2024.

Get Involved

Passionate about plant physiology? We’d love to hear from motivated postdocs and students!